STRANGEST Things Found In American Waters!


Check out the strangest things found in american waters! This top 10 list of weird and mysterious underwater discoveries will surprise you!

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10. The Lost Sea
Located deep inside a mountain near Sweetwater, Tennessee is the Lost Sea. The Guiness Book of World Records calls it America’s Largest Underground lake and it is the world’s 2nd largest non-subglacial underground lake. This enormous lake is part of a cave system known as Craighead Caverns.
The visible surface of the lake measures 800 feet (240 m) long and 220 feet (67 m) wide. That’s as far as we can see with the naked eye. The rest of this extraordinary natural landmark is below the surface and currently being explored by divers. The exploration has covered a further 13 acres and they have found a series of mysterious rooms. Artifacts show that the Cherokee used to use these spaces and the first white settlers also used the rooms to store food and gunpowder. The divers and researchers aren’t sure if these caves were carved out by an ancient group of people or if they were formed naturally.
The lake is filled with trout and the area is known for its cave flowers. Cave flowers, or anthodites, have a needle-like structure and the ones by the Lost Sea are very rare. There are daily tours where you can take a walk and boat ride around the cave. It is definitely on my bucket list!!

9. Sea Life Tsunami
A more recent strange discovery is the arrival of new organisms popping up on American shores. Animals native to Japan are showing up in America after the earthquake and subsequent 40 meter (131 ft) high Tsunami in 2011.
The earthquake created devastation on an epic scale, but no-one could have predicted the effect the tsunami had on Japanese sea life.
In locations such as Washington State and Oregon, all kinds of items washed up, from tiny pieces of plastic to an entire dock. These items have carried a reported 289 species across the water from one nation to another. Some of their journeys have taken as long as two years. The species include mussels and a group of striped beakfish. In fact a specimen of the beakfish was kept and named the “tsunami fish” because of the incredible way it was raised aboard a fishing boat set out to sea by the earthquake.
There’s a worrying element behind this fascinating development. With big infrastructures on the world’s coastlines, the amount of stuff that can be washed away by a tsunami is pretty massive. Much of this material is plastic and highly durable. Combine that with the enormous pollution in our oceans and sea life has a selection of ready-made transport to choose from. It is kind of scary how all kinds of plastics and metals have made it easier for invasive species to travel across the ocean.
These transports are unlikely to decay anytime soon, since plastic pretty much lasts forever. More unexpected things could arrive on US shores over the coming years and the US ecosystem could get entirely out of whack.

8. Manganese Balls
A group of German scientists discovered something very unusual on the Atlantic Ocean floor in 2015. They were using an epibenthic sled which is a fancy name for a sample-collecting apparatus which is dragged along the bottom. To their surprise the sled collected a payload of manganese nodules. These objects are mainly ball-shaped and are formed when metal ore crystallizes onto things like fossils and rocks.
You would normally see balls of that size in regions like the Pacific, so to find them in the Atlantic was quite an eye opener. They carry important archaeological and geological information because they are thought to form over millions of years. They can be as small as a golf ball or as big as a bowling ball. As well as manganese, the balls contain other metals such as zinc or cobalt. But that isn’t the end of the story.
The scientists found a huge number of the balls, forming an enormous field. This is great news for tech companies because the metals are a vital element in the manufacture of things like smartphones. Next time you’re using your phone, think about what it takes to get that device to work the way it does!

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