Most MYSTERIOUS Sounds Science Can’t Explain!


Check out the most mysterious sounds science can’t explain! From weird ocean sounds to bizarre and unexplained sounds in space, this top 10 list of strange sounds is still a mystery for scientists to this day!

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8. The Bloop
In 1997, an extremely loud, ultra-low frequency sound now known as “The Bloop” was picked up by some underwater listening stations. Normally this wouldn’t be all that bizarre, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA, picks up underwater sounds all the time. After all, that IS the PURPOSE of having underwater listening stations.

7. The Ping
Also from the ocean, this pinging noise was discovered roughly 75 miles northwest of the Inuit hamlet known as Igloolik in the Canadian arctic.
The “ping” seems to be coming from the bottom of the seafloor, and it appears to be frightening away the marine life!!

6. Taos Hum
In the arid landscapes of northern New Mexico, in Taos there is a bizarre noise known as the “Taos Hum”.
It seems that only a small percentage of people can actually hear the Taos Hum, but the noise is so persistent that it can become very irritating and drive people crazy! It’s been described as a seemingly endless, very low frequency humming noise; kind of like the sound of a dog whistle.

5. B-Flat Black Hole
This may come as a surprise, but this strange sound actually comes from outer space! You may be thinking that’s impossible because sound can’t travel through the vacuum of space. However, with sophisticated equipment we are able to pick up on the pulsating wavelengths of electromagnetic vibrations deep in space and then convert them to sound.

4. The Loneliest Whale
This might be one of the saddest sounds ever.
In 1989, an array of US Navy hydrophones began picking up strange sounds in the Pacific Ocean similar to blue whale calls, but drastically different in range. The call was at a frequency of 52 Hertz.

3. Aurora Borealis Clap
You’ve probably seen pictures of the northern lights shining in the night sky, but have you ever heard them?
Surprisingly enough, the aurora borealis appears to make clapping or crackling sounds on some nights. It took the researchers from Aalto University in Finland 12 years, but they finally managed to record evidence of what they call “claps” in 2004.

2. Colossi of Memnon
During the 14th century BC, the pharaoh Amenhotep III had two stone statues built in the Theban Necropolis in Northern Egypt. Both statues portrayed Amenhotep III sitting, meant to act as guardians of the mortuary temple.

1. UVB-76
Located in Russia is a strange radio signal that has been broadcasting an odd buzzing sound for over 40 years. This sound is not just white noise or a technological error, but a distinct signal being broadcast on the high-frequency 4625 kilohertz band. Every so often, the buzzing is interrupted by a voice reading off names and numbers.

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