Moons of Cavia: shapeshifting


In the famous words of Bruce Lee, „empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like water“. Humans‘ brain, heart and blood are for 80 percent made of water. Humans are bodies of water. Our watery embodiment challenges the persistant humanistic view on corporeality, and instead imagines its beyond. These 4 short videos are made of documentary, essay, fantasy and footage in which the artists themselves undergo different forms of shapeshifting by making real or metaphorical journeys. Their bodies seem to travel through historical and imaginary spaces while changing their shapes and identity like water, or like moons that grow full and empty.

The Temple of Nehalennia
Lucy Cordes Engelmen | 2022 | 12’

Landing: Microlight flight over Cullinan Mine
Laura Emsley | 2013 | 4′

Where the Heart Goes
Yun Choi | 2021 | 31′

The Boat, the Train, the Road
Yuchen Li | 2022 | 45′

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