L’estagnon TOURNAIRE eblèe de Fragonard_ENG – FESCH.TV


Can you introduce yourself and your activity?

I am Françoise Fabre, I manage Fragonard, a company created in 1926 which is managed today by the great, great granddaughters of the creator Eugène Fuchs. We are Anne, Agnès and François Costa, the fourth generation.

Historically, Fragonard manufactures mainly perfumes and then we have developed important cosmetic ranges, eaux de toilettes, and for a few years now a whole universe around the art of living in Provence, therefore fashion, articles for the house and products that we brought back from our trip, especially from India. It is a country that has always been very linked to Provence and is part of our culture.

What are the motivations of your presence?

We came today with a whole team of our company to see the evolution of TOURNAIRE which is a magnificent company with which we have maintained a relationship of loyalty and friendship. We know the products we buy, but certainly not the production tool. We were astonished by the investment, the quality of the machines, the technologies that I could not even imagine. And then the possibilities of customization. Moreover, we are currently working to improve a product that is an emblematic product of Fragonard, which is a small estagnon. Maybe we are the last company to use the name „estagnon“, but it is an important name for us. It is part of the history of Grasse and our common history with TOURNAIRE.

What are the challenges related to the packaging of your perfumes?

We have products that have always been refillable. This was not the market trend 20 years ago. Everyone was using crimped products. We have always wanted to offer our customers refillable products and we buy from TOURNAIRE 600 ml refills that no one else on the market does today. The sizes of Fragonard perfumes are 100 ml, 200 ml and 600 ml in aluminum refills. It is certain that we all have the same objectives, namely to have products that have the least impact on the planet and that are recyclable and refillable. That’s what’s at stake.

What advice would you give to a company looking for barrier packaging to protect its sensitive products?

In our business, which is a niche perfumery business, the use of aluminum is atypical. Globally, companies use glass. We work a lot on the weight of glass, the bottoms of bottles, the luxury with the transparency that glass gives. It’s a real challenge to use aluminum to sell perfumes. This is our case, it is emblematic, the estagnon is really the spearhead of Fragonard. I don’t know if it can be duplicated that easily in terms of finished product for a customer. As far as refills go, for all the products that are used in larger quantities, aluminum has an extraordinary added value. In terms of product quality, because it can be recycled very easily, because it does not pollute, because it does not break, because it does not let light and heat through. All these arguments that we have always appreciated in this product.

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