God’s oracles to video: ‚Ron Wyatt talking about JESUS‘ blood‘ – FESCH.TV


Here are eleven miracles blessed by God to an Apple XR camera on Monday, 30 May 2022 (29th of Iyyar, 5782) at 4:55 to 4:56pm CST in Winnipeg, MB Canada.

Through them God is confirming the divinity of His Son Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) of Nazareth by Ron Wyatt’s discovery and testing of His Son’s blood.

Please read the entire account here:

When you get to the fifth page in the above written account, you will then see the top video which God has edified His Son Messiah Yeshua.

The factory set run time for Apple XR Live Photos is 3 seconds max. Therefore, 11 Live Photos @ 3 seconds each should sum to 33 seconds.

Of 18 Live Photos taken, God allowed ten to be filmed concurrently through a single lens for a total of 73.1 seconds. That 73.1 seconds of run time blessed by God is 43.1 seconds beyond what Apple allows Live Photos to be.

God then blessed an eleventh Live Photo at a length of 2.2 seconds to connect with other oracles God gave to teach that His Son is the only bridge (to Him) for your soul to continue.

God’s oracles began on a prior August 3rd. They were blessed in response to my asking God “Is it true all who are not saved in Your Son (Messiah Yeshua) will perish?”.

I perceived God’s answer through a movie being watched by a family member as I passed through the living room. Wanting to capture the moment, I quickly took out my Apple XR to take six Live Photos. When I looked at pictures I realized five of the six had the same end times.

An Apple XR camera operates by the Live Photo specs shared here on Apple’s site: . This does not include successive camera aperture openings by each camera press like God has performed here.

The Apple XR operates normally all other times God is not co-creating these miracles to religious content He approves of. Hundreds have been blessed by God including the Bible is true, „Prepare for the Messiah“ and „Last call“.

The very first oracles began very unexpectedly as you might imagine; also very subtle in that 6 seconds was the longest length. God then increased them by size and complexity.

To give an example, on a prior March 21st, 42 Live Photo miracles were blessed by God to the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark’s end scene showing the curse of Zechariah 14:12 being carried out by God’s fiery presence coming from His Ark of the Covenant. By the 42nd camera press, God allowed the single Apple XR to be filming 42 Live Photos concurrently.

God chose all 42 to have the same end frame far beyond the Apple 3 second maximum. The first Live Photo being over 40 seconds in length. Where 2.1 minutes of content should have been (42 x 3 seconds = 2.1 minutes), God blessed over 30 minutes accumulated in that short time to this same Apple XR God controlled to make these miracles you see here.

Importantly, God knew I took 42 photos to edify the 42 generations from Abraham to Messiah Yeshua found in the book of Matthew 1:17 (represented as 3 x 14 = 42). Therefore, those 42 blessed miracles are God’s edification of His Son Messiah Yeshua to the world.

There is incredible complexity to what God has blessed here.

I’ve presented these most recent miracles in similar fashion to a security CCTV screen displaying many live camera feeds on a single screen purposefully because this allows you to both visualize/realize that a single camera cannot do this.

The first screen that appears is me showing you the Apple XR credentials so you see it is in fact an Apple XR with an older iOS. As the screen captures populate into the screen, this is my quick succession of camera presses, and God allowing all ten to be filmed in Live Photo mode at the same time.

Then after the ten and eleventh follows; which is another miracle in itself because the phone ran out of memory and prevented more Live Photos, but God then allowed that 2.2 second one to be produced. That number 22 is tied to the very first oracles blessed by God in this same way. The number 22 has already been edified and taught by God that Messiah is the only bridge to Him for our salvation.

All Glory to God for providing a penultimate courtesy for all of humanity to get saved in His Son Yeshua and to live by His commandments.

My extreme gratitude to Mr. Darren Sherwell for allowing God’s miracles to be seen without cost, and to Ron Wyatt’s family for ensuring their Dad’s work was disseminated into the world.

I will post a video showing how this video was made so you can see the miracles within the screen capture software. That will allow you to see their individual lengths. Also stacked and snapped into the timeline of the original Ron Wyatt’s testimony video as edified by God in what you see here. At the very least watch the entire video seen top of page here: .

I will also upload a video of these being played on the phone directly.

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