What is Wisdom? How do we each cultivate it to find true peace and truth in our lives?


This was a live talk on Insight Timer on April 22nd, 2021. If you would like to listen to free guided meditations or attend free talks like this one, please follow me at: ​​​​

If you would like to learn more about my online courses, please visit ​​​​:
– The Spiritual Path of Tantra
– Foundations for Tantric Intimacy
– The Radiant Woman
– Living in Masculine & Feminine Union

My books are all available on Amazon in paperback, ebook and audiobook:
– What If You Could Skip the Cancer?
– Tantric Intimacy: Discover the Magic of True Connection
– You Don’t Have to Eat the Eyeballs: A Story of Travel, People-Pleasing, & True Self-Love
– Tales of the Tinderverse: A Tantrika’s Journey through the World of Online Dating
– Overcoming PE: Developing Personal Mastery
– 10 Paths to Inner Stillness: A book of Meditations

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