Welco to UrbanBeatsclub – FESCH.TV


Urban Beats Club is a community of urban rapers and singers who share a common interest: instrumental beats.

They find them here, on this website.

If you can sing on it in an urban fashion we’ve got you covered. We’ve got a wide collection of beats ranging from TRAP to Hip-Hop as well as Pop to Club urban Beats.

To get started with this site you can download our FREE BEAT PACK which contains 5 free instrumentals. Alternatively you can buy a premium extensive beat pack or bundle.

We also offer a subscription service which sends out 5 quality beats per month at a very competitive price.

Then, once you have your flow going you can record yourself over one of our many beats and enter our RAP CONTEST for a chance to win one of many prizes.

Make sure to follow us on our socials and keep grinding the beat with the flow !

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