Vogue covers come a long way using different techniques from abstract handmade illustrations, photorealistic paintings, analog black and white photography, hand coloured analog photography, color photography to digital photography and in-between many small differences in formats and creative & technical approach.

The archive of Vogue covers not only show us the inspiring changes in the fashion industry, but also represent a certain cultural, political and artistic zeitgeist of each era.

It was fascinating to see our modern society and it’s changes summarised in thousands of cover images, from the 1900 until 2021.

Inspired by the various techniques that have been used to create these covers in the past – I was asking myself what the future techniques could look like. One answer to that question, was a cover – created entirely by an A.I.

Trained on thousands of vogue covers I wanted to see how it creates it’s very own interpretation. I loved the sometimes abstract beauty in these untameable algorithm.

The beauty is in the unpredictable and perfectly reflects our current zeitgeist thorough that approach.

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