Tundra Cats – Sea Song


While the song is not directly influenced by them, I was watching a rather good documentary on the Moody Blues back in February on Sky Arts, and I had my guitar and made up this little tune. It’s been a long time coming. It was originally going to be a bit more psychedelic, but I thought better of it. It’s not inspired by anything in particular, but as I wrote it a story came together so that makes a change from my usual brand of pure nonsense.

The opening shot is from the beach in Brighton. Most of the rest of the video is Lake Titicaca. So not a sea but I had the footage and thought I should use it.

A couple of bits of video come from Pixabay:

The lyrics:

I was a sailor
In a party of five
The ship was a failure
We were hardly alive

Then we saw our saviour
The most beautiful thing
On our best behaviour
We let it begin


Out of the danger
We started to fight
The friends became strangers
A peculiar sight

If we hadn’t been rescued
We wouldn’t be here
And I don’t know about you
That’s my greatest fear


Why did we go to sea?
Remember me, remember me

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