Trinity Sunday – June 12, 2022


Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m. for June 12, 2022
„Trinity Sunday“
Pianist – Anna Marine
Preacher – Pastor Steve Braudt

Prelude – Bringing the Light of Christ into the Sanctuary
Opening Hymn: #2025 „As the Deer“ 2x
Call to Worship
Praise Songs: „Open the Eyes of My Heart“ and „Old Time Melody“
Joys and Concerns
Responsive Prayer
Prayer/Silent Prayer
Hymn of Reflection: #494 „Kum Ba Yah“ vs. 1, 2, 4, 6
Children’s Message
Hymn of Preparation: #61 „Come Thou Almighty King“ vs. 1, 3, 4
Scripture: John 16:12-15
Message: „Does Not Wisdom Call“
Holy Communion
Prayer of Dedication
Closing Hymn: #2150 „Lord, Be Glorified“ vs. 1 & 4
Joys and Concerns
Prayer List

* Praise: Carolyn Tharp’s cancer is in remission! Carolyn thanks everyone for the prayers, thoughts and cards.
* Prayers for Alan Whitmore who is now recovering at home.
* Prayers for Ruth Timmsen who fell, breaking her wrist and back.
* Prayers for our new summer ministry, „Wednesday Family Fun Night,“ for children and youth and families. This Wednesday, June 15, is Fun Night!
* Prayers for Jared Lange. Jared fell and is in the hospital with complications from diabetes.
* Prayers for Kim Pestle as her treatment continues.
* Prayers for Connie Zeleny. She continues to deal with her pancreatitis. Please pray that she can get in to see the gastric specialist at the University of Iowa Hospital.
* Sara Anderson has asked for prayers for her father-in-law, Mike Thurman, who is undergoing cancer treatments.
* Caryl Walton has asked for prayers for her co-worker’s family and son, Lane, who is struggling with mental health issues.
* Connie Zeleny has asked for prayers for her daughter-in-law father, Dallas, who continues with chemo for his lung cancer and is on constant oxygen.
* Martha McCallister has asked for prayers for Ed McCallister who continues to get worse with Lewy Body Dementia. Rosemary, Ed’s wife, has heart problems, diabetes, and is a breast cancer survivor.

Prayers for those in treatment:
• Carolyn Tharp
• Diane Budding
• Marcia Hetzler
• John Lippincott
Prayers for the people of Ukraine, especially for the millions of refugees, as well as those who remain in their country and are in harm’s way.
Prayers continued vaccinations and precautions concerning COVID-19. There are now over 1,000,000 people who have died of COVID-19 in our country. We pray for their families.

Please keep these members in your thoughts and prayers.
It would be wonderful if you would drop them a note.
Homebound: Glenna Van Atta
Wilton Retirement Center: Gladys Cole, Margaret Duffe, Glenda Johnson, and Jean King
Simpson Home: Derwood Keith
Silvercrest Garner Senior Living, Davenport: Rita and Frank Dvorak
Winning Wheels, Prophetstown, IL: Chad Morgan


Sewing Group
The Sewing Group meets on Tuesdays from 9:00 a.m.-Noon.

Mission Moment!

School is out! Summer is here!

It’s time for: travel and adventure, picnics, camping trips, witness, and mission!

Wait a minute, did I say witness and mission?

The Mission Team would like YOU to join them on their one day mission trip to Bidwell Riverside on June 27.

We will leave from the church parking lot about 7:00 am and head home about 3:30 pm from Des Moines. There will be an organizational meeting after worship on June 19th.

If you can not join us in person you can help with a donation of these needed items at Bidwell Riverside:
1. Plastic grocery bags
2. Toilet paper
3. Laundry detergent (pods, powder, or liquid)
4. Personal hygiene items (soap, shampoo, conditioner, razors, deodorant, toothbrushes, and toothpaste)

Join us this Wednesday from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
for Family Fun Night!

5:30pm Meal: Mac & Cheese, Hot Dogs, Chips and Ice Cream!

The meal will be followed by a time of learning with some wild outer space penguins! Our fun activity will make the church a more colorful place to worship and learn! Our time ends Praise and Prayer!

If you would like to help make this a success for our church,
we are always looking for people to help with the
planning and implementation of our Family Fun events!
For more information email Pastor Steve
or call the church at (563)732-2084 or
call/text our church cell phone at (563)316-3958

Wednesday Family Fun Nights on:
June 29, July 13, 27, and every other week during the summer!

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