this is how I reeber it (again) [excert 3] – FESCH.TV



Choreography by David Appel, in collaboration with the other dancers

Performed by Randy Burd, Ava Heller, Jenni Hong, and Elise Knudson

Music: The Temptations

This excerpt is from our mid-June 2022 performance, which was in many ways the culmination of the recurring time we have spent and different approaches we have explored in pursuing this work over the past eleven years. It documents one aspect of what has emerged.

Investigating dancing can mirror our aspirations in the wider world; further uncovering the body’s possibilities can allude to how we perceive our own more generally. I explore the body’s capacity to be more subtly articulate, the ways we find to move together, and our connections to and within all that is around us. How we mediate and move fluidly between our inner landscapes and external environments, and the wondrous musicality of a body/bodies in motion. These dances are conversations: blending/orchestrating improvised and set material in intricate and unusual fashion.

The point here is that the process of creating dances can be a somewhat collaborative undertaking, speaking (in part) to how people from diverse backgrounds and with differing skill sets can assemble to apply their individual and collective expertise toward making something together. And that how we organize ourselves in an artistic context can reflect on our non-dance-related options as well. Having the work be inflected and driven by improvisation calls upon our abilities to respond and speak to changes in the moment as we encounter new situations or re-visit others previously engaged.

Premiered June 18, 2022 at 100 Grand, New York, NY

Video by Penny Ward

© David Appel 2022

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