The Fashion and Tailoring Club – FESCH.TV


The Fashion and Tailoring Club is an exclusive, Private Members Club, where Members receive First Look, Insights and Opportunities relating to Fashion and Tailoring. Our Members are also invited to attend our exclusive private events at varying venues and also, at our Affiliate Members Home venue, which we lovingly call, our Boutique Events.

Whilst an Online Private Members Club, based in Holborn London, we are proud to be one of nine Reciprocal Clubs of The Haurun Club who are Headquartered at Berkeley Square, Mayfair London.

Membership is strictly by invitation only and apply to those with an appetite for the latest must-haves ‚first‘ and of a philanthropic heart whilst secure with the knowledge that they are contributing to future generations at Adoreus.

The Fashion and Tailoring Club is Founded and Privately Owned by Mr John Smith.

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