Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven [PS2] Intro but with Metal (愛のうた – Swarrrm)


This is where my username comes from.
Tenchu 3 Wrath of Heaven – a stealth/action PS2 game a friend of a friend shown me. I still have my copy!

Really enjoyed the game, it had a lot.
3 campaign characters, a multiplayer mode, a secret level where you travel to modern times, really catchy soundtrack and an epic intro.
Some over-the-top blood spurts, ninja fighting demon action, takedowns, grapple hook, multiple pieces of gear.

It was great at the time and I just took the main character’s name, Rikimaru, and have been running with it since. It’s fun getting recognized by someone who played those games. It happened when I was playing Echo in Rainbow 6 Siege – someone realized and jumped on mic to say Hey 😀

I hope they make a new one soon. There are some Tenchu fans out there who would say the same.

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