“Tactile Effects” – FESCH.TV


“Tactile Effects” is a short experimental film that uses physical materials and techniques as the basis for playful transitions between found footage. “Tactile Effects” consists of two parts, a “primary composition” shot in-camera, and a “secondary composition” comprised of found footage. The “primary composition” features an unnamed person folding, cutting, translating, removing, and adding material; while the “secondary composition” features “found footage” that has been transposed into the “primary composition”. The auditory component of the film is constructed of ambient sounds and room-tone.

Conceptually, “Tactile Effects” looks to renew transitional effects that have become monotonous and cliché in the age of digital cinematic production. The inclusion of hands within the frame highlights the analog nature of the effects, as well as providing a literal depiction of the filmmaker/editor’s influence in cinema. The pairing of a physical process (the transitions) with found footage that is inherently digital, creates a contrast between the disciplines of traditional and contemporary filmmaking.

Perspective is another element that “Tactile Effects” engages with, doing so by manipulating the orientation of different compositional elements. Initially, the perspective that is presented to the viewer is top-down; however, the perspective becomes less clear with the introduction of the rotating found footage, and the entrance of the hands into the frame. These variances in perspective are intended to cause the viewer to question how perspective influences our understanding of a film.

Found Footage (In Order of Appearance):

Taryn Elliott (Field), www.pexels.com
Taryn Elliott (Boat in Water), www.pexels.com
Syed Qaarif Andrabi (Tree in Field), www.pexels.com
Ruvim Miksanskiy (Rock Formation in Water), www.pexels.com
Adrien Jacta (Crops Arranged in Linear Fashion), www.pexels.com
Videvo (Rotating drone footage of Indonesian rice paddies and irrigation ditches.)
Mikhail Nilov (Ice), www.pexels.com
Videvo (Rotating up and away from a pine tree forest, in South Africa.)
Adrien Jacta (Water and Shore Line), www.pexels.com
Videvo (Rotating downwards shot at the Atlantis Dunes, in South Africa.)

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