Sumo Deadlift


Position the bar over the top of your shoelaces and assume a wide stance (determined by your hip structure and limb length).
Push your hips back and hinge forward until your torso is nearly parallel with the floor.
Reach down and grasp the bar using a shoulder width, double overhand grip.
Inhale and pull up slightly on the bar while allowing your hips to drop in a seesaw fashion. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as “pulling the slack out of the bar”.
As you drop the hips and pull up on the bar, set the lats (imagine you’re trying to squeeze oranges in your armpits) and ensure your armpits are positioned directly over the bar.
Drive through the whole foot and focus on pushing the floor away.
Ensure the bar tracks in a straight line as you extend the knees and hips.
Once you have locked out the hips, reverse the movement by pushing the hips back and hinging forward.
Return the bar to the floor, reset, and repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

When you walk up to the barbell, make sure that your feet are externally rotated and your stance is wide but not too wide to where you will compromise your balance or hinder flexibility.

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