Soul Mirror 68 Preview – This Time Around


„Extra-ordinary can simply be understood / as greater amounts of ordinariness. / Daily, hourly, moment by moment / the magic of the ordinary awaits you. “ — poem Ordinary, by Astara

„This time around, you can be anyone. This time around. This love of ours. This time around, you can be anyone.“ — This Time Around (by Helen Stellar)

In Soul Mirror 68, @astararaven discusses where meaninglessness comes from. The discomfort of meaninglessness signals from within that you are at the precipice of an epic identity shift. Such identity loss can indicate inner peace is just around the corner.

Learn how to move from the false meaning the ego places on the world, to the true meaning waiting to be discovered inside each moment. Practice stepping into this quality every day through the metaphor of time travel. Each day, each moment, we can choose a more authentic response this time around. This is the key to inner peace.

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