Six Know-It-Alls – Eisode 13: What We’re Working On – FESCH.TV


Anne Orr or NOT – that’s the dilemma when a cross-stitch style 1930s quilt shows up. Merikay recalls her own experience when she wrote about Anne Orr patterns for her book Soft Covers for Hard Times. In this episode she nails down the source of two more, rarely seen quilts, with a little help from her know-it-all buddies.
Barbara talks about a 20th century Southern design idea: Varying the value in repeat blocks. A „now you see it—now you don’t“ look.
Alden presents some of the themes she’s reflecting on as she plans her 2024 clothing and textiles exhibition in „Exhibition Planning and Pondering.“
Julie explores „Quilts and Mental Health: Taking a Dark Turn“
Lynne questions how popular interest in early 19th-century Romanticism affected the practice, appearance, and history of American quilting.

Reading List

Fawn Valentine, „Aesthetics & Ethnicity: Scotch-Irish Quilts in West Virginia,“ Uncoverings 1994 (Volume 15), American Quilt Study Group.

Fawn Valentine, West Virginia Quilts And Quiltmakers: Echoes from the Hills (Athens: Ohio University Press, 2000),
Merikay Waldvogel, Soft Covers for Hard Times: Quiltmaking and the Great Depression, 1990.
Merikay Waldvogel „Marketing of Anne Orr Designs“ in Uncoverings 1990 ( Volume 11), American Quilt Study Group.
Anne Orr at the Quilters’ Hall of Fame:
Hunter, Clare, Threads of Life: A History of the World Through the Eye of a Needle, 2019.
Beverly Gordon, Textiles: The Whole Story: Uses, Meanings, Significance, 2013.
Ruth Schwartz Cowan, More Work For Mother: The Ironies of Household Technology, 1989.
Henry James, The Bostonians, 1886 – Novel about what he saw as the feminization of culture.
William Styron, Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness & severe depression, 1990.
Lynne Zacek Bassett, Gothic to Goth: Romantic Era Fashion & Its Legacy (Hartford, CT: Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, 2016).
Rosemary Hill, Time’s Witness: History in the Age of Romanticism (UK: Allen Lane, an imprint of Penguin Random House, 2021).

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