Singapore. Hyperlapse in State of Wonder


Singapore has been described as a playground for the rich, and it’s true that the small city-state does have a certain sheen of wealth. But Singapore offers more than just high-end shopping malls, luxury hotels, and fine dining. There is also a vibrant history and diverse ethnic quarters to discover, along with many family-friendly attractions and lovely public spaces that make exploring this slightly futuristic city worthwhile.

Timelapse & Edit by Kirill Neiezhmakov

Music: Inverness, Anthony Russo & KANG DANIEL – State of Wonder

Canon 2x60d, 70d, EOS R,
Tokina 11-16 mm 2.8
Canon 17-55 mm 2.8
Canon 70-200 mm 4L
Canon 16-35 mm 2.8L
Canon 24-70 mm 2.8L
Canon 17 mm T-SE
Samyang 8 mm fisheye
Manfrotto 190 carbon tripod
Adobe After Effects, Lightroom, LRTimelapse

Thanks for support to Nadav Megidesh and Patrick Pettypoh

Singapore has reinvented itself as one of Southeast Asia’s most modern and dynamic cities. Melding together a mass of different cultures, cuisines and architectural styles, the city-state is now studded with vast new showpiece constructions to complement its colonial-era hotels and civic buildings. Cutting-edge tourist developments continue to spring up. Shopping avenues and underground malls throb with life, as do the food courts, the riverside bars and the temple-dotted outlying neighbourhoods. It’s never going to be Bangkok, but it’s doing a fantastic job of being Singapore.
Chinese, Indian, Malay and European influences all flow through daily life here. Boring? Hardly. It’s true to say, however, that the former British trading post and colony still has a reputation for its cleanliness (it’s still panned for its seemingly petty regulations, such as the banning of chewing gum). Likewise, levels of serious crime are very low. It’s worth pointing out, too, that Singapore’s cultural mix has left it with a genuinely world-class food scene – and you won’t need to spend big to eat well.
Recent years have seen the city really pushing for recognition as an international tourist destination in its own right, rather than as a convenient stopover. Significant investment has resulted in developments such as Marina Bay Sands, the three-towered skyscraper that now stands as Singapore’s centrepiece; Resorts World Sentosa, which is home to a Universal Studios theme park; and Gardens by the Bay, a remarkable project complete with “supertrees” and two colossal plant domes.
More traditional attractions include the designer malls of Orchard Road, the exotic clatter of Chinatown and Little India and the elegance of Raffles Hotel, still standing proud more than 125 years after being built. On the subject of hotels, Singapore now offers one of the best spreads of high-end accommodation in the region: a sign, amongst other things, of its ambition to keep visitors flooding in. It’s likely to succeed.
Singapore has an excellent public transportation system that makes sightseeing convenient and easy. Once you’ve gotten a sense of the metro map, you’ll have no problem zipping from one part of town to the next. English is spoken everywhere, and signs are in English as well. In fact, Singapore is one of the easiest and most comfortable countries to navigate in Southeast Asia. And as long as you’re not comparing prices to nearby Thailand or Vietnam, you’re in for a lovely stay.

Футуристический мираж, возникший на отвоеванной у океана суше на месте бывших малярийных болот стараниями сотен архитекторов-урбанистов за какие-то тридцать лет. Его гигантские искусственные деревья — сложные инженерные системы. Его здания — волшебные замки с точными механизмами внутри. Силуэты невиданных конструкций в разноцветных ночных огнях, точные линии и причудливые очертания — все это Сингапур.
Сегодня Сингапур представляет собой не только столицу одноименного государства, но и крупнейший туристический и финансовый центр Азии. Он невероятно многолик, а также весьма удобен и безопасен для отдыха и проживания. Здесь буквально все, начиная от скамеек и заканчивая транспортом, функционально и красиво. Считается, что Сингапур был спланирован и построен по главным канонам фэн-шуя, именно поэтому он процветает, а его жители весьма успешны и благосостоятельны. Космополитичный Сингапур представляет собой невероятную смесь культур и традиций: буддийские и индуистские храмы, суперсовременные небоскребы, этнические районы, старинные кварталы, роскошные супермаркеты, оживленные улицы, парки и сады орхидей, развлекательные заведения, многочисленные рестораны и многое другое. Такой удивительный симбиоз привлекает сюда путешественников, которые хотят увидеть настоящее чудо современности и одновременно прикоснуться к загадочному прошлому.

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