Sherlz resents ‚Channel Your Inner Style‘ Fashion Show – FESCH.TV


Sherlz is proud to announce the production of her 1st fashion show ‚ Channel Your Inner Style‘. As she embarks on a new chapter of her life as an aspiring model, she decided to create a platform for herself and others. She believes that being a fashion model is not only about the glitz and glam, perfect size or height. In fact, it’s about tapping into your creativity, being unique and daring. Additionally, It’s about trying new things, owning every color you wear, taking risks, and inspiring everyone to feel beautiful.

Although she has a long way to go, she is happy to be on the brink of doing something she loves and thoroughly enjoys for the rest of her life!

The fashion show is showcasing some of the brightest models, poetry & musical artists, fashion designers, and dancers on the scene. The purpose is to inspire others to dream big. Attending the fashion show can boost up one’s confidence as well as increase networking opportunities. Ultimately, leading to a brighter tomorrow. As a wise person once stated, „Until you spread your wings you will have no idea how far you can fly“.

A portion of proceeds will be donated to Haitian Children of Hope.

Thank you

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