S20 E22: Winter 4×4 Jamboree


This week on At Your Leisure, Scott and Tonya Huntsman are guiding us through the red rocks as we visit the 2022 Winter 4×4 Jamboree in Hurricane, Utah! This event is a nonprofit that has been going on for 8-10 years, and wow, this year they had an outstanding turnout! We loved seeing all the families that get involved as well as the great people behind the scenes of this event.

Where To
Steven Heumann heads to the Island of Maui, where he joins the Hoaloha Jeep Adventure as they give him a unique tour from Mauna to Mauna. This tour is so much more than the beautiful sights and rolling green mountains. On the tour you will learn of the lands being the first Kingdom of Hawaii and of the rich and sacred history. The exploration is limitless and the Hoaloha Jeep Adventure guides will show you the pride and strength of Ohana. Thank you Hoaloha Jeep Adventures for showing us things we have never seen before!

What’s New
It’s cooking time! Chad and Ria have a delicious homemade Taco Salad recipe for you this week using Yardley Premium Beef. When you cook with this beef, you will immediately notice how wonderful and healthy it is! The beef comes directly off the range, travels about 50 miles from where it has been pastured to the processing plant, and then directly straight to you on 2 day express! Check out our Instagram or Butter-Steaks.com for the recipe and directions on a very delicious Taco Salad.

Along The Way
This week we join the folks from Do Utah for their third annual Ice Fishing Derby at Steinaker Reservoir! Ice and cold weather can temp most people to stay indoors but not Disabled Outdoorsmen Utah. This group does so much more than just getting out and enjoying themselves; but rather they encourage other adventurers to join them! We hear from inspiring co-founders and attendees on their success stories and reasons why they love the outdoors. Do Utah is not just exclusive to Veterans, they are eager to help no matter what is getting in the way of enjoying the outdoors. Do Utah truly does a phenomenal job at making outdoor recreation so inclusive!

Tune in to ABC4 Utah Sat 10:35 pm / Sun 9:00 am

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At Your Leisure is a family oriented outdoor and travel show focused on the western United States. Our weekly itinerary includes both motorized and non-motorized destinations and activities, cool new product reviews and suggestions on how to get the most of a weekend or week in the west. At Your Leisure is celebrating its 20th season of broadcasting. We are all driven by a love for not only the outdoors, but our jobs. We love bringing the adventure to you, and hopefully helping you get out there
and create your own adventure!


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