Restricting//setting free – FESCH.TV


This project was born out of one of Marina Abromovic’ quotes and led to the exploration of hedonism.

Hedonism – a philosophical theory that human satisfaction and self indulgence is the highest good. Only pleasure is valuable and pain is invaluable – a theory that raises a lot of questions…
When does hedonism become self destructive? Is seeking self pleasure above all else inherently bad? When does pleasure become pain? Aren’t they interconnected? Engaging in uncomfortable, painful scenarios can bring out pleasure – mental or physical or both.
Mental Resistance – the mind wants pleasure at all costs yet the body does not know how to get it, presenting itself in uncomfortable positions searching for the new meanings of pleasure, even if it is uncomfortable or painful. At times restricting itself but at times setting itself loose.

Fashion Application – content for Galatea brand (clothes presented)

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