Rejoice! Worship | July 03


What have you done that you believe in and are proud of? That’s a pretty important question. Contrast with this sign was hung on the door of the University Christian Church in New York: “Gone out of business. Didn’t know what our business was.” In business, it is said that we need to ask just two questions: “What is our business?” And “How’s business?” As to what our business is, let’s look at today’s gospel reading. Jesus sent out 70 of his followers, in pairs, to every town and place where he intended to go. Jesus is specific in giving us instructions for traveling. We are to travel exceptionally light. No steamer trunks, no matched sets of luggage. No rooftop carriers, no trailers, or campers. No SUV’s cramped to the gills with “stuff.” We are ready to travel, really light.

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