Rehabs in Malaysia.mp4


Rehabs in Malaysia

Drug and substance abuse is not a new issue across the world. Many countries across the planet have large sums of the population that regularly interact with illicit drugs. Most countries have put some sort of legislation or effort in place to help alleviate some of these issues, but no location has pinpointed a perfectly effective solution.

Malaysia, like many countries across the world, has regularly dealt with substance and drug abuse as a serious health problem in the country. And like many and most countries across the world, those experiencing and abusing drugs seem to get younger and younger every decade despite programs put in place to help drugs seem less attractive to that population.

In Malaysia’s prisons alone, almost half of that population has been placed in jail for drug abuse Malaysia charges. The prison population runs around 30,000, so around 15,000 of those have been put in jail for drug-related crimes. There are over 250,000 registered drug users in the country of Malaysia.

This increase and consistent record of substance and drug abuse in Malaysia has partially been blamed because of Malaysia’s development into a more modern society. Much of the research that was completed and programs that were created to help alleviate these issues were created decades ago and do not appeal to the current population.

Common Drugs Abused in Malaysia

The most popular drug of choice in Malaysia? Opiates. Opioids are regularly used in hospitals in Malaysia to help alleviate pain related to procedures and serious health conditions. The molecules from this medication travel through your bloodstream and attach themselves to opioid receptors — effectively masking pain and increasing your ability for pleasure.

This is what makes them attractive, but the effects they have on their wide range of users is serious. When correctly using opioids for pain as prescribed by a doctor, they can alleviate pain and make you feel sleepy— helping you work your way through the suffering. But in large, incorrect, and illegal doses, they can do the same to an extreme degree. They slow your heart and breathing rate– in some cases so much that the drug becomes fatal. They are extremely addictive and difficult to stop using once you begin and experience the pleasure that comes along with regular use.

Cannabis is the next most popular drug in Malaysia and is currently still illegal within the country. Any amount over 200 grams or seven ounces is considered a drug trafficking offense. Following cannabis are amphetamine-based stimulants. The most common being Adderall, a medication used to treat ADHD. Amphetamine stimulants are often prescribed by doctors for ADHD and are relatively safe for that use when used and administered correctly. However, stimulants are often sold and purchased illegally because of the “high” and “focus” they can provide a user. They are incredibly addictive as well and their users often become extremely dependent, as many drug abuse Malaysia studies have shown.

Malaysia Rehabs

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