For those of you seeking an experience, step into our world and live out your fantasies and become a courtier or courtesan or “Queen” for the night.
Welcome to the Majestic Château for an unforgettable and offbeat festival night! Dancers, performers, artists, and musicians will deploy their talent through the evening while we take you back to le 18eme siècle!!
Come dressed as your most extravagant and extreme version of yourself in your favorite finest French Couture, Burlesque, High Glamour, Couture Fashion, Vintage Glamour, Historical Costume, Surrealism, Theatrical Glamour, or just look fabulous as you join revelry for an opportunity to party like the French court of Versailles during an evening of pure decadence choreographed by The Faustian Society!
Bon, je te verrai la-bas…

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