Operation Swimway


The tiger shark, also known as Galeocerdo Cuvier, is a species of requiem shark that can grow up to 16’ in length and weigh as much as 1400 pounds.

As an endangered species, and the only remaining shark of the 12 within the genus Galeocerdo, YachtAid Global, and our partners are studying the sharks in order to better protect these amazing animals that play such a key role in our marine ecosystem.

The significant challenge of these studies is that the sharks migrate throughout some of the most remote areas of our planet which subsequently makes it incumbent for YachtAid Global to rely on our donors to make a difference. Although the transmitters that are surgically inserted in the sharks have a battery life of 10 years, the strategically placed receivers that collect the data from these transmitters need to be replaced annually.

Supporting yachts and crew of “Operation Swimway” travel to these magnificent remote areas of the globe to participate in these studies and make an enormous difference in YachtAid Global’s conservation initiatives and the delicate balance of our planet’s ecosystems.

To learn more about YachtAid Global’s conservation efforts, how you can participate, or to donate directly to “Operation Swimway” please visit us at:

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