NYC Subway Shooting Highlights Police Incoetence – FESCH.TV


Luke reads another Twitter thread from Alec Karakatsanis regarding the recent NYC subway shooting and how it highlights a disturbing pattern of police incompetence around the nation despite the increase in funding of police budgets and officers on the ground in most major cities.
This includes NYC mayor Eric Adams who has significantly increased police presence citywide. However, despite the subway shooting suspect’s history of violent threats on social media, the police not only failed to prevent this crime but also to apprehend him in a timely fashion.
Furthermore, the media and its copaganda seem to be complicit in police incompetence by ignoring it rather than properly addressing it as they should be.

Tags: #SubwayShooting #NYC #Police #EricAdams #Incompetence #Copaganda #Media #MentalHealth #Racism #AlecKarakatsanis #Crime #Poverty #Austerity #LukeParcher #RealProgressives

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Twitter blurb: @LukeParcherShow reads a thread from @equalityAlec on the police #incompetence surrounding the #NYC subway shooting and the #MSM’s complicity in ignoring it. #EricAdams #Copaganda

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