No. 1 -Free Sample 188 p Arch


Our DNA tells us we thrive on decoration from cave to palace, even on our own bodies.
From mutilation, or makeup to costume, just to be different. Some individuals have a
strong desire to dress-up to show-off, from the very poor to the so-called rich. It is an
innermost greed in mankind’s religion to show-off. The good architect tries to smooth
out these excesses, against the here today and gone tomorrow. And to travel the world
are the real gems, the richness of small countries and their heritage.
My “Art & Design in Architecture: made visible” is my journey through time as an European’s view on history. I would like to see all the corners of humanity from Africa to Asia and all countries in-between, that is someone else’s challenge.
© Mumfordbooks & Saturebooks

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