Nic Lopez reel 2022 (1080p)


Nicollo Lopez is a self-taught film director whose early beginnings in the wedding and corporate events industry significantly shaped his visceral, textured, and zestful work.

Recently, two of his works ( “#FreeToLove Stories” for CloseUp and “The Wash” for Safeguard) from the year 2019 were recognized by the YouTube Awards- the first garnered a Crystal, Silver, and Bronze (in their respective categories) while the second work garnered a Bronze for the Beauty and Personal Care category. His other bodies of work include: Samsung, PLDT, Knorr, Pizzahut, CloseUp, Nivea, Dove, Adidas, Creamsilk, Pepsi and Palmolive.

His intimate, documental approach seeks to place the human story at the core of the narrative. For the ad industry, he specializes in Lifestyle, Beauty, and Food. Yet, he especially prides himself in his projects that center around Documentary filmmaking and Travel Lifestyle filmmaking.

He presently directs under ProvillStudios, Metro Manila.

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