Music Questions for LinnyC – FESCH.TV


Thanks Joshua Woodford for background music.

Hello we are here today with Linny C, now

What’s a commonly held belief about your role that you passionately disagree with? That many promotional practices in the music industry that were useful in the past are still effective or relevant.

What do you wish your younger self knew about your current profession?
That there are more ways to get started on your own without a record label.

Do you agree with the common perception about your work? Why or why not? Most musicians are in it for the long game, hoping that it will eventually pay off. Unfortunately for those seeking a career releasing original music, it doesn’t pay off financially for most. I believe it shpuld be done with love and not a get rich quick scheme

If you had 10x the budget you have now, what would you spend it on?
More ways to invest in my career and my investments.

What’s something everybody in your industry should stop or start doing? STOP BELIEVING WHAT EVERYONE TELLS YOU. Start Build your entrepreneurial mindset.

What’s the biggest challenge the industry is facing today? In 10 years?
Free Music on the internet taking over.

Where do you self-educate? desk with your computer, reading materials and gear is a great start, but remember to keep it clean and free of clutter. You will need to absorb material at a rapid pace, then apply it in a practical fashion immediately afterwards

If you were going to write a book, what would it be about? A autobiography

Thanks Linny c for joining us looking forward to hearing more in the future.

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