Meditation Tips, Day 32.mp4


Meditation for Recovery
Thoughts will travel from focused to random, to both random and focused, to dreams, and finally to the settled mind. Throughout this process take it E.A.S.Y:
E | Embrace – allowing the existence of all thoughts and experiences
A | Acceptance – cultivate an attitude that whatever happens in your meditation is legitimate
S | Surrender – surrender expectations on how your meditation practice should be progressing
Y | Yield – release the need to control your mind in meditation. Return to „easy.“

The E.A.S.Y approach to Meditation by Light Watkins.
Found in his book, Bliss More (Ballatine Books, 2018).

Norman E. Rosenthal, M.D., Transcendence | Healing and Transformation through Transcendental Meditation, Penguin Group (USA) 2011.

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