Mandie_Bienek_About_The_Berlin_Fashion_Week_202 – FESCH.TV

Mandie_Bienek_About_The_Berlin_Fashion_Week_202 & FESCH.TV:

What are the achievements of the Berlin Fashion Week in the sustainable field? What’s the DNA of the Berlin Fashion Week?

On the panel BERLIN FASHION STAGE hosted by the CONSCIOUS FASHION STORE and the FASHION COUNCIL GERMANY, Mandie Bienek, Co-Founder of Fashion Council Germany and Press Factory – Communication that matters, takes a stand forBERLIN FASHION WEEK.

Bianca Lang
Journalistin | Moderation
Julian Daynov
Fashion Expert
Mandie Bienek
Co-Founder of Fashion Council Germany &
Press Factory – Communication that matters.
Thimo Schwenzfeier
Conscious Fashion Store Berlin

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