After a rookie shaving mistake I was sure I was going to get painful large bumps as I’m very prone to them but upon waking up, I did not? When you apply the balm it immediently begins sinking into your juicy flesh delivering a shot of fresh air to the area whilst giving your skin soothing and calming kisses. The pore oil controlling ability really is a power to behold; I woke up to no giant painful clogged pore bumps, no redness in sight either just a total of 4 micro pimples that threatened to turn into ingrowns but they were surprisingly very easy to sort out with my tweezer and viola I applied the anti bacterial balm again and felt instantly healed as if it were some sort of magic potion to restore my health.

I’ll be investing in the oil along with more of the balm (travel friendly pot and mighty itch fighting warrior) as I’m positive it’ll stop the itchy phase after waxing or shaving your legs ect and keep qoochi itch free which is definitely an issue for me when I do my bikini line.

I’m so excited. It’s the product I never thought I needed. I do need it. You need it. Your mom needs it. Your neighbour needs it. Your partner needs it. Your dog needs it. Get it. Get the duo. It’s great. You won’t regret investing, I promise you.


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