MADERAS Interview Saúl Craviotto · Adolfo Doinguez – FESCH.TV


La marca de moda Adolfo Domínguez lleva años muy comprometida con la sostenibilidad y el medio ambiente. Con el lanzamiento de dos nuevas fragancias para hombre, el objetivo era poner en valor lo básico, volver a la tierra, al ser. El tono de toda la campaña es natural e intimista, huyendo de recursos técnicos complejos y centrado en el storytelling.

Global designer fashion label Adolfo Domínguez has been committed to sustainability and the environment for many years. When two new fragrances for men were launched, I had the opportunity to direct an entire campaign of digital pieces. The starting point -and common link- was to place value on the essentials, returning to the earth, to being. Showing such dialogue between Nature and Being was key for conveying the brand’s values behind these fragrances. Therefore, the tone of the entire campaign is natural and intimate, fleeing from complex technical resources and focused mainly on storytelling.

Director: Arturo Sánchez
Agency: Fuego Camina Conmigo
Production Company: Mañana
Executive Producer: Martí Torrebadella
Producer: Angie Quintana
Production Manager: Xènia Provins
Production Assistant: Laura Castells
DOP & Camera Operator: Toni Vidal
Camera 16mm: Jean Ambrojo
Photography: Alex Postigo
Photographer Assistant: Jose Postigo
Director’s Assistant: Zack Ramis
Focus Puller: Raül Mulas
Live Sound: David Gascón
Postproduction: Bernat Granados & Pau Pitarch
Color: Lluís Velamazán
Sound FX: Angel Sound Studio
Models: Gotzon Mantuliz & Saúl Craviotto


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