Lillee Jean: No Permission Needed To Be Myself & Do What I Love | Mind Over Beaute | Episode 1.21


„This one. No permission. Yeah. You do not need permission for somebody to tell you what to do with your life. You don’t need permission to be yourself, and you most certainly, [you] do not need permission to go for your dreams. There will be detractors, and there will be people who say you can’t do this, but you need to tell yourself, you can do this, you give yourself the permission to live out your life the way you want to live it out. You don’t need somebody to tell that to you, to dictate that for you, or to even take that from you. No, you don’t. So this episode is one that I feel empowered by myself, and I do hope you check out Project: Bullyish. Catch you guys in the next one. You can watch all-new episodes on my website under the Mind Over Beaute category, and definitely check out Voyager my travel one. I love you guys so much thank you for the support, and I loved seeing you on live the other day it was incredible.“ – Lillee Jean

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