Kriya for Releasing Stress and Increasing Vitality – FESCH.TV


Welcome to this week everyone!

In this kriya we are going to be in three 11 minutes positions. The key to these postures is to remain in a state of contentment with yourself and the exercise. They will be working on certain meridians associated with the liver and kidney, as well as our central energetic channel and our entire nervous system. If you get too exhausted, feel pain, or just need to relax during the kriya go ahead and take a break. Join back in when you can or scale to a less intense version, even if that means you just continue chanting.

In all three postures we will be staring at the tip of the nose. This will be what most know as the “cross eyed” position. Our eyelids will be almost shut as we do this, but we want to have them open just enough for us to focus on the tip of the nose. See picture below for benefits. My eyes are completely open in the picture, that is just to demonstrate eye position.

We will also be chanting. You will see in descriptions of the exercises, it is written out to chant “HAR”. This will actually sound more like “hud”. The key is that the navel point snaps in to complete sound at the same time that the tongue flaps on the upper palate right behind your two front teeth.

The way this kriya was passed down indicates that all three exercises should be repeated no more or no less than 11 minutes each, and they all most be performed in a group, and not be separated. I want to state that so that you understand why we go so long.

You may also switch sides on exercise #1 as you repeat throughout the week.


After completing the kriya a few times you may practice on your own without video. Here are the descriptions and times:



In a comfortable seated position place your left hand over your heart. Right elbow is bent with the right hand cupped and palm facing up. Eyes are staring at the tip of the nose, 1/10th open. Flex the elbow of the right arm to scoop air and through it behind you over your right shoulder. You should hear the air as it whizzes by your right ear. Repeat this motion.
To end: Inhale and retain breath as you hold your right hand as far as you can behind you. Exhale after 15 sec. And repeat breath 2 more times.



Staying seated, bend your elbows so your hands are in front of you with the palms facing up and middle finger touching the thumb. In this position start repeating the chant “HAR”. Make sure to strike the upper palate behind the top front teeth. As you chant, flick the middle finger straight, and return to start position before chanting again. Pull in the navel center sharply to make noise. Repeat. Eyes are staring at the tip of the nose, 1/10th open.
To end: Inhale and retain breath for 15 seconds. Continue flicking your fingers as you do this. To exhale, explosively blow all the air out your mouth like a canon. Repeat 2 more times.



In a seated position. Raise arms up in front of you, up about 15 degrees above the shoulder line. Arms are straight with the palms facing down. Repeat chanting “Har” in the same fashion as exercise #2, and coordinate crossing your arms each time you chant, and then bringing them back out, switching what arm goes on top each time. Eyes are staring at the tip of the nose, 1/10th open.
To end: Inhale and hold breath for 10 sec. As you do, continue moving arms very fast. To exhale, explosively blow like a cannon out of your mouth. Repeat 2 more times.

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