July 4, 2021 — Spiritualist Church Online 1030 Service – Spiritual Independence


Declare Your Spiritual Independence and Thrive with this 3-step spiritual growth process.

FIRST: Declare you are Spiritual and Independent.

SECOND: Deconstruct your beliefs and barriers.

THIRD: Constitute your future self.

Your path to freedom, independence, and emancipate is the path within. A path few travel, but many consider. It’s a journey walked alone alongside other travelers.

If you’re compelled to walk this journey, at Spirit360 Fellowship, we’re going there too. And invite you to join our pilgrimage to Spiritual Independence.

TS Hall, @theStoicMedium, shares the spiritual solutions that develop your self-esteem and confidence to honor your spirit’s intent and so the EGO Problem becomes the EGO Solution.

Join us for a live Spiritualist Church Service to see for yourself if Spirit360 Fellowship and Spiritualism feel right and ring true to you.

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