Is Bangladesh 10X RICHER than America?


Americans pride themselves, it is said, on their being the Wealthiest Nation on Earth, and not a Developing Nation or Third World Nation. And any talk to the country, said to be because of „The Plight of the Poor“, or „The Homeless“, or „Too Much Welfare“. And „too much ‚Mental Illness“: to include, supposedly, „amongst the „Poor“, and „The Homeless“. But what if our entire nation is so interwoven, that for one segment to have less by far, in terms of certain ways to address the „loss of certain freedoms“, that this affects those, even, who have plenty of money to address, to compensate for, the loss of these freedoms? Such that there is then too much fleeing, by the financially wealthy, to their islands, even within America? Wherein it is said a „Man’s House is his Castle“? Or his ISLAND? And why else, then, would many a wealthier person, financially, that is, find it so hard to look others in the eye, and even to the extent of isolating in these Castles and Castle-neighborhoods, Castle-Clubs, and Castle-Corporations? Why then, also, their traveling on private jets, perhaps well-termed as Castle-Jets? Where no one else can look them in the eye as they travel?

Maybe the people of Bangladesh, say, are wealthier, by far, in certain freedoms, than Americans, especially, again, those without the money to compensate for the laws that are not there to protect some key freedoms, or the unequal enforcement of them?

For I very much doubt that the Bangladesh citizens have the same issues, there, that we Americans have, here:

Freedoms such as the freedom to die where one wishes, when one wishes, and how one wishes? Without being termed „having died from ’suicide‘, and in turn, from ‚underlying mental illness'“? And, with the right, too, to purchase the necessary „tools“ to do so, painlessly, and reliably? And finally, without one then having the libeling and slandering of one’s „act“ as per „suicide“ due to „mental illness“, spread on the six o’clock news and tabloids at the supermarket checkout counters, as happened with Naomi Judd, or concerning documentaries on the death of the comedian Robin Williams? Or without being told by persons with degrees, even, that such will garner them flame-based punishment, after death, for trillions of years?

And the freedom, too, to be told, honestly, that when one is taken to a „hospital“, or „old age home“, that there are not just one- to five- star facilities, but one- to one-hundred star facilities, and those of six – star or more rating, being arguably called „boutique“ hospitals, or „boutique“ „nursing homes“, and so on?

And, too, the issue of how schooling is mandatory until the age of 16? When the very definition of schooling is up for grabs, and the environs for many children so dire, what with bullying, say, that schooling can be highly traumatizing.

And as per „daycare“, what of the quality of such, and the requirements for those receiving government benefits, to „get a Job“, and put their children in such „daycare“ facilities, or else die in a homeless shelter, say? Is this a bit or more like selling one’s children into the sex trade, in exchange for money to survive?

And as for forced drugging? ….

This show has been created by a West Point graduate, and airborne school graduate, who was a combat arms soldier in the area of armour (tanks), spending most of his active duty time in Germany.

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