Introduction Interlocutor Kallol Datta – FESCH.TV

Introduction Interlocutor Kallol Datta & FESCH.TV:

The next edition of State of Fashion, Ties that Bind, will focus on presenting contemporary work by fashion and textile makers, designers, and artists from the Global South. Curators Louise Bennetts and Rachel Dedman have decentralised the Biennale, and invited three interlocutors from across the Global South to form an expanded curatorial team. State of Fashion 2024 will unfold across four spaces: the home site of Arnhem, and three international sister sites: Nairobi, Kenya, Bengalūru, India, and São Paulo, Brazil. In each sister city, an interlocutor-curator – Sunny Dolat, Kallol Datta and Hanayrá Negreiros – has been invited to develop a State of Fashion project in their local context, responding to the themes of the Biennale as they relate to the urgencies and experiences of their cities and communities.

Video by MUMSTER

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