Good on ya! Why don’t-cha – FESCH.TV


Why are the the sex-and-gender-diverse community not included in The Australian Census? We really shouldn’t put up with such erasure at any juncture but to put up with it now, after having come such a long way, would seem to be giving up the fight having mistakenly assumed we’d somehow always already won the war. This is tantamount to the old proverbial missing the forest for the trees. (In the real world however, and though these struggles can move unevenly -either in fits-and-starts- or, alternately, in a smaller, more gradual, iterative fashion, they actually ebb ongoingly as history’s movements forever unfold and disclose new challenges which appear up on the distant horizon of progress as ineluctably as clouds do on the actually veridical horizon. Time to go cloudbusting! ☁️ �⚡️

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