Flavio Cesar Rodríguez Rodríguez: Vegas Story


Time and time again, we hear a similar story from maestros describing the need to go to the states for work so that they can invest in an alembic.

The average wage in Oaxaca is around 10 dollars a day. A copper alembic can cost around 5,000 USD and capital is not readily accessible by any means.

The repetitiveness of this exact story paints a perspective of a tough decision facing many Oaxacans – live seemingly indefinitely in poverty in Mexico or travel to the US in hopes of acquiring some startup capital.

Almost everyone we meet has traveled to the states for work, and although they show immense appreciation for the people in the US and the wages they earned, they almost always prefer to be in their home culture with their family. Thankfully, many return to Oaxaca after a few years in the US and invest in a taxi license, an alembic, or farming. In this case, Timoteo’s opportunity in the US combined with an entrepreneurial spirit within the family has directly allowed Flavio to remain in Mexico with his family and continue his family’s mezcal craft which now brings money into his community in San Pedro Taviche.

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