Energy Report for the week of Sept 27th Traversing the Origin of Thought


Energy Report for the week of September 27th
~Traversing the Origin of Thought~

„Your thoughts are like a navigation system for your life.“ ~Nitin Namdeo

Our minds tend to navigate us on autopilot, directing us in the ups and downs of life from our unconscious old conditioning and experiences. But this unconscious pattern is revealed three times a year with Mercury in retrograde. This guide of the mind is giving us an opportunity to rethink our reality and reconnect to our Source. Mercury’s energy rules our personal mind, thoughts, travel, information, and communication. It is how we „wake up“ mentally to our perception of reality.

Mercury’s story is one of a psychopomp. He is the communicator of our conscious thoughts as well as the messenger of our deeper unconscious psyche and soul essence. Mercury is the only one of his mythology’s pantheon that is able to traverse between all three worlds- the celestial realms of our infinite nature, the underworld realms of our primal, unconscious nature, and the middle world of our everyday, conscious Earth-walk experience. 

It is our mind that helps steer us back to know our origins.

We are given an opportunity this week to go back to the Source origin of our experience of reality. Mercury in retrograde, combined with other signature heart-opening frequencies this week will help us to recalibrate our awareness of „what is.“ Your hidden Mystery is speaking the Truth – if you are willing to listen.

How are you willing to change your perspective?

Themes and questions to feel into this week:
~How am I willing to slow down and sense where I am on my path?
~What messages am I receiving from within?
~Am I willing to reveal what is being offered from within?
~How can I express my Truth more in my relationships?
~Can I see the world from the perspective of my future self?
~What is my highest and deepest nature speaking to me?
~What real-world experiences are guiding me back to my origins?

Detailed Energy Report:
Please click below for the full Energy Report in my free newsletter that describes all of the transits~

**I am offering you a free gift to celebrate this season with a 19-page guide on Mabon.

~ Astrological Transits this week ~

~ Mon. Sept. 27th – Mercury stations retrograde in Libra
~ Wed. Sept. 29th – Sun trines Saturn
~ Wed. Sept. 29th – Venus trines Neptune
~ Thurs. Sept. 30th – Venus squares Jupiter
~ Fri. Oct. 1st – Mercury squares Pluto
~ Sat. Oct. 2nd – Venus sextile Pluto
~ Sun. Oct. 3rd – Mercury trines Jupiter

~ We learn about our nature by being in alignment with Mother Nature ~

I hope that this energy report offers you a deeper understanding of the forces of life at play, both within you and around you, so that you can feel empowered to express the Light of your own Being.

I am now taking a few limited astrology and soul path sessions in my calendar. If you would like to know how the energy of right now will affect your future soul path, you can schedule with me in the links below.

Many blessings on your soul path,
Kristen Druantia

Sacred Life Circle
Embodied Mystery School

#energyreport #asabovesobelow #astrology #soulpath

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