Dystopia City – VR Experience Teaser / WS21/22 – in VRenice Beach III: Desert Feel / Reel Estate


This VR Experience has been created within the project framework of VRenice Beach: Desert Feel / Reel Estate in winterterm 21/22 @ Motion Experience Lab / Image & Motion Dept. / KISD.

How do we imagine our future in this world? A world that does not even perceive our current challenges or denies them publicly. A world that selfishly acts only according to its own interests and thus brings ever greater aisles of poverty and devastation with it.

Dystopia City is our gloomy vision of a possible future scenario in which climate change, consumerism, overpopulation and war eventually lead us to upload our minds to the last remaining server in order to survive on a dead planet.

Dystopia City offers you the possibility to upload your brain to travel through four possible epochs. The four epochs are:

– > our present world

– > the year 2100 or the overconsumption

– > the year 2500 or the destroyed world

– > hard disk no. 5.575.742 or the last human bastion

In every epoch where you stay you bring the world to collapse. Your stay costs too much energy. You are the drop that makes the barrel overflow.

To stay longer in one of the epochs, your task is to collect graphic cards to stabilize the time window you are in. The longer you stay in a world, the more buggy it becomes.

The goal of the installation is to make the audience reflect. We want to draw attention to the fact that we, as humanity, have several ways to ruin ourselves in this modern age.

Let us fight together so that the nightmare does not become reality.


Jakob Greven
Irena Arndt
Günther Otieno Ohlendorf
Julien Louis Wolff

Betreuung Prof. Nina Juric
Technischem Support von
Marko Bodenstein & Pasha Eghtesadi Bahrami

Motion Experience Lab – Image & Motion Department / KISD


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