Dress to ove on – FESCH.TV


DRESS TO MOVE ON – a video campaign for Bonnesuits that shows the urgent need for movement and physical contact these days. Developed and directed by Lila ten Haaf for her graduation project for the Amsterdam Fashion Institute.

Creative direction: Lila ten Haaf
Cinematographer: Daan de Graaff
Editor: Alex Pieterse
Sound design: Cyril Jansen
Music: Quicho ten Haaf
Grading: Guy Molin
Focus puller: @theunicornjoker
Light assistent: Giel Roggeveen
Production assistent: Madelief van Leth
Set photographer: Kelvin Dijk

Jern Lang
Glinshi Biantama
Maxime Abbenhues
Mees Meeuwsen
Sem Groot

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