DEFORMER by Ignas van Rijckevorsel, featuring FROWIJN Serie V – FESCH.TV


Amsterdam, 30 June 2021

Dear friends,

the past year created space for reflection and a state of deforming has entered my life. I have decided to pursue a long-cherished dream to further deepen my knowledge of art and design, by joining the master’s program in art history at the UvA in Amsterdam. I will combine this with another strong passion in guiding the third-year ArtEZ fashion students with their development of Collectie Arnhem ’22. Making choices forces focus and I will temporarily freeze the FROWIJN brand. The next years will be valuable to meet new people, and in the future, I might relaunch the brand with a fully equipped team.

In the meantime, and as one cannot ignore creative needs, I will continue to work as a freelance designer for Studio Frowijn, remaining at your disposal to work on prints, textiles, uniforms, workshops, or exhibitions. As we have been doing it with great pleasure, with the support of our partners and customers. We would have not reached this without them, and we are grateful for that! Do not hesitate to get in touch if you would like to chat, and for now, I would like to thank you for all the support and love over the years, we will certainly pass each other again.

Lastly, I’d like to invite you to celebrate this state of deforming with a meditative piece of art by artist Ignas van Rijckevorsel, featuring FROWIJN Serie V. Dream away with these heavenly bodies and enjoy the ride over virtual landscapes with the movie DEFORMER.

Warm regards,

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