Deacons Talking about „Indigenous Ministries“ with Tina Campbell


Tina Campbell is a Deacon associate at Trinity Cathedral, focusing especially in Community Organizing and environmental efforts, and the Missioner for Indigenous Ministries in the Diocese of Northern California where she shares her experience as Latina and Navaho. As part of her ministry, she has participated in and helped facilitate three Sacred Ground Circles. Tina shares her work with the Indigenous Ministry Task Force and Red Bud Resource Group to assist two parishes in crafting meaningful Land Acknowledgements and building relationships with local Native groups.


The Rev. Canon Tina Campbell served as the Cathedral Deacon from 1993 until her retirement from the staff in 2010. She continued to worship, served as needed, and supported the Cathedral’s outreach efforts. She was AED President 2013-2015 and returned to the Cathedral clergy staff as an Associate in 2018. She is most active with Sacramento ACT’s homeless committee and the Cathedral’s environmental ministry (TREE). She and her husband, Brian, retired from teaching in 2008 and are enjoying baseball, working with the SPCA, and some travel.

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