Nia A Walkthrough – FESCH.TV


Nima is an educational app that focuses on knitting and crochet targeted towards Gen Z and Millennials. The app aims to encourage the user to slow down through mindfulness and the tactile experience of craft making.

The word Nima comes from the Greek word meaning “thread.” The name was chosen to represent a connection to the body through tactile experiences and a connection to your mind when entering a flow state of creating. We have partnered with fashion brands that share our values and understand their responsibility in creating a more environmentally friendly fashion industry. The brands we collaborate with also embrace craftsmanship and love textile crafts just as much as we do!

Through this app, we encourage you to “take a pause” and do something for yourself. Nima is an app for fashion enthusiasts, someone looking to learn a new skill, someone looking to increase their well-being, someone looking to get creative, or someone simply interested in what the app has to offer.

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