ChakWave Autumn Equinox Cleanse


September 22nd-28th

A @chakwave and @gmc_photographer collaboration~

Gathering energy for a week of juice cleansing inspired by the chakra system!

7 Chakras ~ 7 Juices ~ 7 Days

Join to learn, support, and inspire each day live on the @ChakWave Instagram page at 9AM PST. I’ll be having conversations with amazing people ready to share their downloads of spiritual and practical wisdom.

September 22-Root
Gabriela & Katerina Hebka
Juicy Sisters

September 23-Sacral
Kate Vosti
Somatic Movement Facilitator

September 24-Solar Plexus
John Whitaker
Wim Hof Instructor

September 25-Heart
Stefanie Palmer
Chakra Balance Shop Owner

September 26-Throat
Ashel Seasunz Eldridge
Elemental Activist

September 27-Third Eye
Doug Fletcher
Detox Dealer

September 28-Crown
Dr. Stephanie Bridwill
Quantum Healing Doctor

In addition to the live Instagram conversations, this Autumn Equinox week will serve as a „beta test“ of the ChakWave Online Cleanse Course I’ve been working on for…umm, lifetimes!? : )
If you are committed to the weeklong experience and would like free access to the twenty five videos currently being edited to assist in your juicy journey, please DM me or email so I may send you links of me speaking on cleansing on all levels, making juices in the kitchen while discussing nutrition and symbolism, and guiding powerful chakra yoga practices in truly epic natural locations in alignment with the element of the day.
In exchange I’d love for you to document your experience with simple photos and/or videos for use on the ChakWave website and social media so more people may be inspired to take the healing rainbow ride!

The ChakWave book is a great companion to have in your hands for shopping lists, recipes, meditations, mantras, suggested activities, journal prompts and more. DM me for a $20 signed copy plus postage or purchase here:

I 100% believe it’s ultimate Go Time for body/mind/spirit activation of awareness, and the ChakWave Cleanse is a transformative tool helping us lighten and brighten as we travel this pathway.

~Jacquelyn Richey Krieger

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