Authentic Portraiture featuring Painterly Lighting (Outside the Studio) | Sponsored by SanDisk


How do you create a signature style with lighting? What is your go-to travel kit when traveling? Why is hiding your main light with your fill light important? How does color add to a painterly aesthetic? What is the value of a leaf shutter and shooting medium format? RJ Kern will answer all these questions and more, as he teaches you his approach to painterly portraiture.

Sponsored by SanDisk

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R J Kern
R. J. Kern (b. 1978) is an American artist whose work investigates ideas of home, ancestry, and a sense of place. His portraits focus on intimate, interdependent relationships of people, animals, and landscape. Accolades include Critical Mass Top 50 (2018, 2021), CENTER 2017 Choice Award Winner (Curator’s Choice, First Place), and Artist Initiative Grants from the Minnesota State Arts Board (2016, 2018, 2020). Monographs include The Sheep and the Goats (Kehrer Verlag, 2017) and The Unchosen Ones (MW Editions, 2021). Public collections include Minneapolis Institute of Art and Museum of Fine Arts, Houston

SanDisk Professional
Formerly G-Technology

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