ASSEMBLAGE is a cinema-choreographic project that branches off from the broader project of the artist Ibon Salvador entitled THE MACHINE AND THE FOREST. Both projects address as a central concern an eagerness to use the techniques of cinema and choreography to widen the sensitive perception of places and above all to involve a team of people in a certain way of life that escapes from the parameters of the normal.

This EXTRACT_1 is part of the experience we carried out between Bilbao and Barcelona where we used scriptwriting to provoke us to travel the territory in search of imagined images and sounds. To follow part of the thoughts that occupied us:

Each afternoon our incursions into the landscape were feeding modifications in each text and in the way of reading it, so it was mutating and we were mutating with it. We entered into a fine-tuned perception of the way in which a written fiction unfolded in the physical space of the landscape and in the ways of being of our bodies. This perception became reversible, so that we used the script to amplify our bodily desires, amplifying our presence through writing and traversing times and spaces we never imagined we would travel together. We were able to unfold an animal and choreographic desire.

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