Aniation Project – FESCH.TV


这是我与插画师Nico,音乐制作Jeremy合作的动画项目。以根据日本的流行文化来展示日本1990年代到20210年代的时尚风潮。故事剧本是平成纪年(19889-2019)的一次城市冒险(city adventure)在都市的夜晚,人们走过熙熙攘攘的现代大都市,看到或者经历怪异而扭曲的场景。这个项目为了纪念日本平成年代的结束,我们希望这个音乐动画视频具有复古的风格,展示都市的现代风光和时尚服饰,表达人与城市之间的关系是我们的目标。

This is a collaboration project made by me and my friends, Nico and Jeremy. t is planning to be an animation music video to show Japan fashion according to Japanese pop culture from 1990s to 2010s. The story is about a city adventure happening in Heisei period(1989-2019). People walk through a bustling metropolis at night, and they see or experience weird, twist scenes. The story is mainly presenting the fantastic modern city scenery and fashion clothes on characters. The style of this project has a strong sense of fashion, and we want this project in a vintage and retro style, to record and build a fantasy beautiful city in the last century.

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